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Below are films we have made in 48 hours for competition that are emblematic of a comedy style of animation we have been pioneering called 'Jankmations'. These should be viewed separate from our work in documentary corporate, branded content, short form narrative work and features, and to be honest are a bit of fun! 

'Sugar Wars' (2020)

English - Stop Motion

Written, directed and animated

by Joshua Belinfante

Made for the My Rode Reel Competition 


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'The Big Sweet (2020)

English - Stop Motion

Written, directed and animated

by Joshua Belinfante

With assistance from Glen Falkenstein,

Chris Evans, Chris Hale

Music by David Bruggemann


Won 3rd Prize at TAKE48 as part of Sydney Underground film Festival 

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'We Brie-long Together' (2021)

English - Stop Motion

Written, directed and animated by Joshua Belinfante

Belle and cheddar aren’t regular bries or cheddar cheese That you’d find in the supermarket as you please. They are sassy, yellow and the best of friends, They even share videos with each other on weekends. Yet, today is a different day, as Cheddar makes an assumption, And Belle overreacts amidst the risk of public consumption. A cautionary tale for cheeses of all shapes and curds, That there can be both love and hate from our words. A short film made on an Iphone 12 Pro for SF3 fest 2021 screened at the Italian Forum Sunday 27th Feb 2022. Won best Mini film at SF3 2022

'Fromage Ala Plage' (2021)

English - Stop Motion

Written, directed and animated by Joshua Belinfante

A test for We Brie-long Together and part of my cheese trilogy 

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'Brianne & Blue' (2021)

English - Stop Motion

Written, directed and animated by Joshua Belinfante

A test for We Brie-long Together and part of my cheese trilogy 

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'This is Pencil Tip!' (2022)

English - Stop Motion

Written, directed and animated by Joshua Belinfante

A short film about the band 'Pencil Tap'. Made in 48 hours for the Take48 competition for Sydney Underground Film Festival. As part of the competition we had to include a 'post it note' and the line of dialogue 'I already tried that'. Featuring the voice talents of Jack Curtis, Joshua Belinfante The VFX work of Olivier Bonenfant Production design and script work of Glen Falkenstein Fax machine sounds of David Bruggemann Assistants Peter and Lilly Belinfante who helped

cut out all those bits of paper

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'Baking Sense' (2023)

English - Stop Motion

Written, directed and animated by Joshua Belinfante

My entry for the Take48 competition in 2023 for Sydney Underground Film Festival. The short screened at Take48 and was selected out of over 400 films for the SF3 Smart Phone Gala finals. I shot it on a phone and made it entirely in my kitchen. It also screened at Kino Sydney in December 2023. Here it is for your viewing pleasure, especially as the strikes have now ended!

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'La Noix De Coco' (2024) 

English - Digital Animation made in 48 hours for Take48 and screened as part of Sydney Underground Film Festival 

Written, directed and animated

by Joshua Belinfante

Starring Lucie Brumont 


'Grandpaparazzi' (2024)

English - Digital Animation

Written, directed and animated

by Joshua Belinfante


Chris Evans, Micah Doughty, Christopher Stamoulos, Georgina Lloyd and Joshua Belinfante

Made in 48 hours for Kino Kabaret

Won 'Best Adaptation Award' at SF3 and 'Best Mini Runner Up'. Screened at the Inaugrual Seahorse Film Festival in Newcastle October 2024. 

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+61 431 472 839


Suite 42/61-89 Buckingham St Surry Hills 2012 Australia 

©2024 by Finesilver. All work copyrighted Joshua Belinfante. Logo designed by Sofi Marika.

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